Relationship, Sex & Intimacy Coaching

Learn to Be Love

and How to Be Loved

Invest in your relationship with yourself

I created All You Need Iz Love to share what I have learned from some of the most extraordinary and tantalizing teachers and facilitators, to help you learn to love yourself and to learn how to love others more deeply, more intimately, more vulnerably.

Come learn or refine skills that you might not even understand the importance of. Skills that will change your love and your sex life and allow you to open to greater joy and pleasure in everything you do.

Invest in yourself, invest in love – come meet YOU at All You Need Iz Love.

Transformation Through Pleasure.

“I am here to be human with you”

— Laura

Let’s co-create

  • One on one personal coaching – in person or on Zoom

  • Find your voice in a safe and non-judgmental space – come be authentically you

  • We will welcome and embrace all of you

  • A personalized coaching path just for you, using the Somatica® Method’s philosophy, values and tools and some that we create just for you

  • Discounts for Pay in Full

“Feeling is healing”

— Laura

What is Sex & Intimacy Coaching?

Sex & Intimacy Coaching is an experiential practice where you will learn to go deeper within yourself which will allow you to go deeper with others. It is an attuned and empathetic practice of learning to relate.

  • Shared vulnerability with clients

  • Deshamifying your uniqueness and your sexuality

  • Learning and practicing self-awareness

  • Bringing compassion and empathy

  • Helping people become embodied

  • Helping people embrace their sexuality to gain confidence and self-alignment

  • Helping people to have healthy relationships

“Step into your Aliveness”

— Laura

How you will feel

We will begin with letting you get settled, and sharing a few grounding breaths together.  You will feel seen and heard, empathized with and attuned to as we move through a 75-minute session. We will compassionately explore your needs and identify some growing edges to work on. 

I am right there in vulnerability with you, hierarchy is taken out of the relationship.  My sharing my own humanness allows you to show me yours as slowly or as quickly as feels good for you. 

A session could involve anything from just sitting and being together or we may dive deeper in conversation with your feelings or an exercise. We will check in at the end of each session to see how and what you are feeling.

“All of you is welcome”

— Laura

What is the Somatica® Method?

The Somatica® Method is a Clothing On practice with specific boundaries directed by the method and boundaries co-created by you and your practitioner. There is NO Genital Touching or Kissing and clothes always stay on. The least one can wear is pants or shorts and a tank top. Dresses and skirts must have yoga shorts under them.

The Somatica Institute believes in Transformation Through Pleasure to be the most efficient and effective pathway to change. When people learn and grow in ways that are filled with pleasure, joy, arousal, connection, and a deeper acceptance of themselves, their life changes drastically for the better. Gentleness, curiosity and love help people welcome and process the full range of feelings, become more resilient, and thrive in their lives and relationships.

Clients will learn and practice the essential tools that lead to deep love, pleasure, emotional connection and more fulfilling sex and relationships. Life’s biggest joys and challenges can be found in intimate connection – learning tools are essential for people to live their best lives. Emotional and Erotic Intimacy are Learnable.

The method creates a container that sets people up for realistic expectations, and teaches you how to deal with your life and relationships as they actually are, not unrealistic – Grounded In Reality, like the real world. People learn to flow with the ups and downs, the intensity of emotions, and the large variety of people and sexual desires out in the world, you find tremendous confidence and resiliency inside yourself.

Practicing boundaries and consent expands your capacity for pleasure, and integrating a sense of secure attachment into your nervous system helps you grow more resilient. It prepares you to take in all of the beauty intimacy has to offer. Become Empowered in the Face of Trauma by learning the tools of emotional self-awareness, self-soothing, and engaging others to soothe you are some of the ways you will become empowered.

While our lives are filled with societal messages about the right way to be a human and live a life, the truth of humans is that each of us is unique and beautiful in our own right. One Size Doesn’t Fit All, we are aware that people are different – and we celebrate the unique You. True intimacy requires space for differences and a balance between attachment and individuation. The Method helps people practice acceptance – instead of trying to change a person in ways they haven’t chosen for themselves. We do this by taking the side of intimacy.

What Sex & Intimacy Coaching is Not

Sex & Intimacy Coaching is not sex work.

The Somatica Method and my practice are clothes on.

There are no options to change this.

“You are worth all of it”

— Laura

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